About Me

Hi there!

My names Nikola and I'm 23 years old from Salmon Arm, BC. My career is as a chiropractic assistant and I am extremely passionate for the health and wellness associated with our practice. I have a 3 year old boy named Carsen and a little bean of unknown gender due March 2016. I have an amazing spouse named Joe. He's got his own growing business. He is constantly changing my negative thoughts into positive ones, he's helping me grow into the woman and mom I want to be and I couldn't be more grateful. He is a step in dad to Carsen and not everyone could do what he does.

I write about the everyday life of raising a toddler, the positive outlook I've chosen (and how it came to change my life), the joys/not so much of pregnancy, my ways, and opinions on a healthy lifestyle, life with a newborn (soon), the products I love + more. 

Thank you for taking the time to read!